Our Past (Main) Events

For over a decade, we've brought together inspiring speakers from all walks of life to share their big ideas and bold perspectives with our community and the world. From tackling climate change to exploring the mysteries of the human mind, our events has been a non-stop thrill ride of knowledge and creativity!

Yesterday's Tomorrow

October 2023

At Yesterday's Tomorrow we embarked on a journey of ideas, exploring cutting-edge concepts from the rapidly changing world of AI, to improving our biomechanics, to future good vs. bad workplace leadership, and a museum's story-filled universe! Together we laughed, dazzled, jazzed, marveled, sparkled, connected, and of course, were inspired.


April 2022

Our ConneXions event was like a breath of fresh air - literally! After being cooped up for so long due to Covid, it was great to finally have a live event. We focused on our relationships to physical, mental, and emotional elements. How has our ability to connect evolved over time? Our speakers covered a wide range of topics, from sustainable fashion, to building sustainable cities, to the power of vulnerability in leadership.

Disrupting Status Quo

February 2019

Hold on to your hats, folks, because our Disrupting Status Quo event was an absolute blast! Speakers from all walks of life took the stage and shook things up with their innovative ideas and unique perspectives. From a dance performance that challenged gender norms to a talk about the importance of unlearning, this event was a wild ride from start to finish. Who knew disrupting the status quo could be so much fun?

Brave New World

October 2017

Where will advancements like gene therapy, self-driving cars, virtual realities, and our undying lust for everything on-demand lead us? Will automation steal our jobs, or set us free? And how do we make sure to have brave progressive leaders in this new world? Our speakers were a superhero squad of inspiring people, ready to tackle anything that came their way.


November 2016

Our Spectrum event was a colorful extravaganza that left attendees feeling energized and enlightened. With a lineup of speakers ranging from scientists to artists, the talks explored a wide range of topics, from the wonders of the natural world to the complexities of human relationships. The event was a kaleidoscope of ideas that left everyone feeling like they had just been on a journey through the entire rainbow.

What If?

March 2015

This event was an explosion of creativity and imagination, with speakers presenting mind-bending ideas and proposals that made us wonder what kind of wild world we live in. From a speaker who suggested we could use poop as fuel (yes, really) to another who explored the potential benefits of hugging strangers, this event was anything but boring.

When Life Gives You Lemons

November 2014

This event was a juicy affair! Speakers squeezed out some sour experiences and turned them into sweet lessons. From a blind man who climbed mountains to a woman who found love in a hopeless place, these speakers proved that when life gives you lemons, you can make some pretty delicious lemonade!


November 2013

The concept of Crossroads demonstrates that people can come from different directions - of all ages, backgrounds and beliefs - to share their ideas openly. Crossroads featured speakers covering everything from sustainable fashion to the future of transportation. One guy even talked about the possibility of using seaweed to combat climate change. Talk about thinking outside the box!

Beyond Borders

October 2012

This event was a wild ride! Speakers from all over the world came together to share their stories and ideas. From a Swedish astronaut to a Colombian peace activist, there was never a dull moment. It was like taking a trip around the world without leaving your seat (or your computer screen).

Our Ideas Keep Spreading

May 2010

Our second event was filled with innovative ideas and captivating speakers. From discussing the potential of virtual reality to revolutionize education to exploring the importance of diversity in the workplace, the talks were as diverse as they were enlightening. It was a day of intellectual stimulation that left us all feeling motivated to go out and change the world, one idea at a time!

It All Started Here

November 2009

Our inaugural TEDxGöteborg event was full of amazing ideas and laughter. Speakers shared their stories about how they turned their hobbies into successful businesses, including a guy who started a company based on his love of bees! We also learned about the power of collaboration and how it can lead to some seriously cool inventions. All in all, it was a fantastic event that left us feeling inspired and maybe a little bit buzzy (pun intended).

Explore ALL Our Talks